%Put the following one command in preamble
\title{LaTex 2020 workshop making code}
\author{lbsamson.ust }
\date{November 2020}
\section{About Maths}
% Inline mode – becomes part of your text
% delimiter choices:
% \( ... \)
% $ ... $
% \begin{math} ... \end{math}
In physics, the mass-energy equivalence is stated by the equation $E=mc^2$, discovered in 1905 by Albert Einstein.\\
% Display - put equation on separate line, delimiters choices:
% \[ ... \]
% \begin{displaymath} ... \end{displaymath}
% \begin{equation} ... \end{equation}
The mass-energy equivalence is described by the famous equation
\[ E=mc^2 \]
discovered in 1905 by Albert Einstein.
In natural units ($c = 1$), the formula expresses the identity
\begin{equation} %label is added at the end of the equation
%Put the following one command in preamble
\title{LaTex 2020 workshop making code}
\author{lbsamson.ust }
\date{November 2020}
\section{About Maths}
% Inline mode – becomes part of your text
% delimiter choices:
% \( ... \)
% $ ... $
% \begin{math} ... \end{math}
In physics, the mass-energy equivalence is stated by the equation $E=mc^2$, discovered in 1905 by Albert Einstein.\\
% Display - put equation on separate line, delimiters choices:
% \[ ... \]
% \begin{displaymath} ... \end{displaymath}
% \begin{equation} ... \end{equation}
The mass-energy equivalence is described by the famous equation
\[ E=mc^2 \]
discovered in 1905 by Albert Einstein.
In natural units ($c = 1$), the formula expresses the identity
\begin{equation} %label is added at the end of the equation
\section{Alignment and Sub equations}
The equation \ref{eqn:2} below shows how to create sub equations.
\begin{subequations} %sub equation environment
\label{eqn:2} %label the equation for \ref
\begin{align} %algin environment
% use & to control align ment
&S_{ij} = A_{i}e_{i}P_{i}W^{\alpha}_j\exp{(-\beta{}{c_{ij}})}\\
%use nonubmer make this line without numbering
&where \nonumber\\
&A_i = \sum_{k}W^{\alpha}_{k}\exp{(-\beta{}{c_{ik}})}\\
&to~ensure~that \nonumber\\
&\sum_{j}S_{ij} = e_{i}P_{i}
%Code for plotting graph
%Add pgfplots package in preamble
%insert a horizontal blank gap
\hskip 5pt
%Here begins the 3d plot