APA PsycInfo Databases -- a database within EBSCOhost Research Databases that provide access to the full text of a large collection of journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. especially in the discipline related to psychology and the study of behavior.
Highly recommended by Prof Chao!!!
To access, go to Library Home > Databases > A > APA PsycInfo
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EBSCOhost Research Databases -- a platform consisting of multiple databases which provide access to the full text of a large collection of journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. in various disciplines.
To access, go to Library Home > Databases > E > EBSCOhost Research Databases
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The following are for demonstrating purposes.
Sample Research Topic: Reward / Incentive
What do you want to know? Does money really affect motivation?
Sample Research Question: How does pay (below- vs. above-market) influence work motivation?
Possible Keywords & Related Words: Pay, money, incentive awards, financial rewards, pay for performance, monetary incentives, monetary rewards, financial incentives, underpaid, overpaid, non-financial rewards, influence, impact, effect, motivation, work motivation, employee motivation, job performance, work performance, employees, underpayment, overpayment, job equality, inequality, satisfaction, productivity, organizational performance, workplace, etc.
No ideas on how to turn a broad topic into a research question? Watch our Mind Mapping video to find out.
Search Query:
(pay OR salar* OR compensation* OR "monetary incentive*")
AND (influence* OR impact* OR affect* OR effect* )
AND ("work motivation" OR "employee motivation" OR "job performance")
Refined Search & Results: