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Media Resources

The Media Resources Collection (Libary LG1) has  DVDs,CDs, & streaming media for your education.
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Performing, playing or showing videos

The Hong Kong Copyright Ordinance strictly regulates the public performance (playing) of videos.

According to section 43(2) of the Ordinance, playing or showing a video on campus for the purpose of giving or receiving instruction to an audience consisting mainly of teachers, students and their parents/guardians is allowed.

Other public performances (e.g. for entertainment purposes) may require further licensing and permission from the copyright owner or a licensing body.

For more details, please contact Ms Victoria Caplan at


Performing, playing or showing work in course of activities of educational establishments (1) The performance of a literary, dramatic or musical work before an audience consisting wholly or mainly of teachers and pupils at an educational establishment, parents or guardians of pupils at the establishment, and other persons directly connected with the activities of the establishment—  (Amended 15 of 2007 s. 15) (a) by a teacher or pupil in the course of the activities of the establishment; or (b) at the establishment by any person for the purposes of instruction, is not a public performance for the purposes of infringement of copyright. (2) The playing or showing of a sound recording, film, broadcast or cable programme before such audience at an educational establishment for the purposes of giving or receiving instruction is not a playing or showing of the work in public for the purposes of infringement of copyright. (Amended 15 of 2007 s. 15)

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