The first example of Advanced Search is to find past 5 years The Independent (United Kingdom) news articles related to Brexit and Economics.
1) Click “Advanced Search” to access the Advanced Search Interface
2) Click the tab "News"
<a> Select "Headline and Lead Sections" for the search fields
<b> input Brexit and Economics
<c> Select "date between" and set 5 year as search time frame.
<d> scroll down and search the specific source(s) you want to explore, e.g. The Independent (United Kingdom)
<e> Click search
To understand more about the options in the search field, "Search Field Example" in the side bar
The second example is to find US patent law cases which Google involved.
1) Click “Advanced Search” to access the Advanced Search Interface
2) Click the tab "Legal" and select “case” and “US cases” in the drop down menu.
3) Click "All fields" to select a specific field to search. In this example, "Party" and "Core Terms" are selected as first and second field.
To understand more about the options in the search field, "Search Field Example" .
4) Using boolean operators or connectors (AND) to connect search terms, input "Google" in the first search field and "Patents" in the second one. Perform Search.
To know more about Nexis Uni search term connectors, click here.