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How to Cite in APA Style (7th Edition)

Basic Rules

The formats and examples in this session are prepared according to Section 10.1 unless otherwise specified.

  • For an article title, use sentence case -- capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, and any proper nouns (Section 6.17). Do not italicize the article title or place quotation marks around it.
  • For a periodical title (e.g. journal, newsletter, magazine), use title case (Section 6.17) and use italics. Maintain the punctuation and capitalization that is used by the periodical in its title.

CMA magazine (not Cma Magazine)

  • Check out: End-of-paper References > Authors
  • For journals, give the year of publication is sufficient.
  • For magazines, newsletters, and newspapers, give the year and date of the publication, separated by a comma and enclosed in parentheses.

(2012, May 7)

  • More details: Section 10.1, para. 1
  • If the pagination is continuous, separate pages by a hyphen.


  • If the pagination is discontinuous, give all page numbers, and separate the numbers with a comma.

Journal article: 102-117, 120; Newspaper article: pp. A1, A4-A6

  • If the article has no page numbers, leave out pagination.
  • Do not include database information for works obtained from most academic databases, e.g. EBSCOhost, ProQuest. (Section 9.30)
  • More details: Database Information in References

Journal Articles

Published articles:


Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodicalvolume number(issue number), pages. DOI / URL (if available)


  • DOI is available:

Diliello, T. C., Houghton, J. D., & Dawley, D. (2011). Narrowing the creativity gap: The moderating effects of perceived support for creativity. Journal of Psychology145(3), 151-172.

  • DOI is not available, but URL is available:

Zilvinskis, J., Taub, D. J., DeAngelis, B. J., Novi, A. M., & Wilson, K. E. (2021). Disaggregating the engagement of students of color with disabilities Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability34(2), 141-161.

  • No DOI or URL is available (e.g. print version):

McClealland, L., Hillemam, M. R., & Hamparian, V. V. (1961). Studies of acute respiratory illnesses caused by respiratory syncytial virus. N Engl J Med264, 1169-1175.

  • If volume number or issue number is missing, omit it from the reference.

Articles in press:


Author, A. A. (in press). Title of article. Title of Periodical.


Chan, K. C., & Scoccimarro, R. (in press). Halo sampling, local bias and loop corrections. Physical Review D.

  • Do not give a date until the article has actually been published.

Magazine Articles


Author, A. A. (Year, Month or Month and Date). Title of article. Title of Magazinevolume number(issue number), pages. URL (if available)


  • Online magazine:

Ahrens, K. (2011, November). Build an assistive technology toolkit. Learning & Leading with Technology39(3), 22-24.

  • Print magazine:

Handley, A. (2013, April). Think like your customer. Entrepreneur41(4), 66

  • No author

Now you see them. (2014, April 5). The Economist, 411, 64.

Newspaper Articles


Author, A.A. (Year, Month or Month and Date). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, pages. / Title of Online Newspaper. URL


  • Online news:

Manjoo, F. (2014, June 18). Amazon fire phone's missed opportunities. The New York Times.

  • Print newspaper:

Kahon, C. (2014, June 19). Special task force to deal with 'occupy' blockade. China Daily, p.1.

  • Precede page numbers with p. or pp.
  • If an newspaper article appears on discontinuous pages, give all page numbers, and separate the numbers with a comma. E.g. pp.  A1, A4-A6

Non-English Articles

For non-English sources using a Roman script (like French or Spanish), give the original title and, in square brackets, the English translation (Section 9.38).


An article in French

  • For a source in a non-Roman script (e.g. Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Russian), transliterate title of the work written in a non-Roman alphabet into the Roman alphabet. Then, put the English translation in square brackets after the title and before the period in the title element.

Guimard, P., & Florin, A. (2007). Les évaluations des enseignants en grande section de maternelle sont-elles prédictives des difficultés de lecture au cours préparatoire? [Are teacher ratings in kindergarten predictive of reading difficulties in first grade?]. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 19, 5–17.

An article in Chinese

  • If it is not practical or desirable to transliterate the title of a work that uses a non-Roman alphabet, leave the title in its original alphabet.

Ke, P. (2008). Dangdai tushu guan fuwu de chuangxin qushi [Innovation Trends of Contemporary Library Services]. Library Work in Colleges and Universities, 28(124), 1-7.

To cite articles in Chinese, check out the Citing Chinese guide.

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