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CHEM 4691 - Capstone Research I

Chemistry Books

HKUST Library uses the US Library of Congress Classification System to classify materials. The main Chemistry literature can be found in the class QD (Chemistry). However, it is important to remember that Chemistry related materials can also be found in other classes such as class Q (Science General), class QC (Physics), class T (Technology-General) and class TP (Chemical Technology). The following are subdivisions of the class QD and the locations of various types of materials.

Chemistry (General)      QD1-65
Analytical Chemistry      QD71-142
Inorganic Chemistry      QD146-197
Organic Chemistry      QD241-441
Physical and Theoretical Chemistry      QD450-801
Crystallography      QD901-999

Books, call numbers M - Z       LG3
Reference Books       G/F
Current Periodicals       LG1
Bound Periodicals       LG4
Media Resources and Microforms       LG1
HKUST Dissertations and Theses       1/F


Use the Library catalog part of PowerSearch to find books in the Library. Just un-tick the Primo Central box to search the Library Catalog only.



See the Guide on finding books using Powersearch

Note: The Library Catalog does allow searching to the article level. See Find Articles from Journals & Magazine (Part A: E-format).


HKALL lets you search for the books in the university libraries in HK simultaneously. Through it, you can also request for books from the other university libraries in HK to be delivered to the HKUST Library's Circulation Counter (G/F) for you to pick up.

An undergraduate can borrow up to 15 books via HKALL at the same time. For each book, the loan period is 15 days and two renewals are allowed.

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