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HKUST Electronic Theses Database: Submit E-thesis

HKUST Theses Submission

The Library collects all HKUST theses and dissertations in electronic format.

The PDF copy will be loaded into the

Thesis Submission Requirement & Procedure


On successful completion of the thesis examination, students must submit:

  • soft copy of your approved thesis (PDF) to Library. Be sure to follow the HKUST Guidelines on Thesis Preparation
  • 1 soft copy of the signed Signature Page and the Authorization Page (PDF) from your department

Submission Procedures:

  1. Via the Online Thesis Submission System to submit 
    • your approved thesis (PDF)
    • signed signature page (authentic signature, digital signature, and signature chop are accepted) & signed authorization page (PDF)
  2. Check the Student Agreement to grant the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Library the non-exclusive right to make it available for scholarly research.
    • PhD students: Check the agreement to deposit the thesis to ProQuest. You will agree to the Library, on your behalf, to submit the thesis and abstract to the world-recognized ProQuest Dissertation database for publication.

E-thesis PDF File Checking and Printing Service

This simple application will double check your thesis for simple errors that require your attention before submission. It can catch even the smallest error that will prevent full submission (e.g., slight margin errors or excessive blank spaces)

Download the application from MTPC. (Video Guide)

  • Username: e_thesis_app
  • Password: pgso2015

For additional assistance and troubleshooting, refer to Creating PDF files for E-thesis Submission Guide Section F.

Direct inquiries to Mr Joe Wong (


Q: What are the requirements for thesis submission?

A: For thesis preparation and formatting, please visit Guidelines on Thesis Preparation for more details.


Q: Is there any format restriction for images or videos in HKUST Electronic Thesis Submission?

A: The HKUST Electronic Thesis Submission Form accepts all kinds of image or video format you provide with unlimited file size. However, please note that you may encounter problems uploading extremely large files due to network problems or other issues.


Q: Who holds the copyright of theses after the submission?

A: According to the University’s Intellectual Property Policy, students hold sole copyright ownership of their thesis. More details about copyright are available at the Copyright Libguide.


Q: When will my thesis be released to the public?

A: If you did not send a request to keep the thesis confidential, your thesis will be released once all the library processes are completed. Otherwise, the thesis will be released when the confidential period ends.

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About Thesis Submission

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