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Job Hunting: Company background

Company background

For background information on a company, visit its website, search for books on the company using PowerSearch, and try EBSCOhost for company profiles.

Search "Firsthand" for company information & guides

The Career Center at HKUST provides students and staff with access to Firsthand

It features a collection of industry, career and company guide, covering a wide range of industries, including accounting, advertising, biotechnology, finance, investment banking, insurance, law, media & entertainment, marketing, real estate, retail, venture capital, etc.

You must register to use it (after entering via the Career Center's link). You can use your LinkedIn profile if you want.

Search "Business Source Premier" for company profiles

Business Source Premier provides the full text/images of over 8,000 business publications, including 1,100 peer-reviewed journals. Company profiles (world's largest 10,000 companies) are also available.

How to Access & Navigate:

1. Visit the Library website > Databases > B > Business Source Premier.

2. In Business Source Premier, click Company Profiles.

2. Browse or search by company name. Some Company Profiles include SWOT Analysis.

Internet resources

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