For books only, un-tick the Primo Central. Library Catalog searches books.
CDMNext - Has millions of macro-economic time series and statistics from over 190 countries. In-depth data is available for China at national, provincial, city and county level. Limit = 5 concurrent users at a time.
EIU Viewpoint - Country data and analysis for subscribed Asian countries including Country Report, Country Forecast, Industry Reports, Country Data and Commodities.
ICPSR - A vast research archive of more than 500,000 data files in social science. Available data can be browsed by topics including community and urban studies, education, geography and environment, social indicators and lots more
Passport -Provides volume and value sales statistics for consumer, industrial and services markets across 82 countries worldwide.
Statista: the Portal for Statistics - Gives you fast and reliable access to over a million market data series on 80,000 topics from 18,000 individual sources covering roughly 170 industry sectors.
Useful chapter:
For articles only, un-tick the Library Catalog box. Primo Central searches articles.
For books only, un-tick the Primo Central. Library Catalog searches books.
Some Useful Social Sciences Article Databases
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