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MILE 5000 & 5004 - Language Learning: Research

Research to Find Evidence & Examples

Research to find evidence & examples for your scholarly writing

Scholars support their ideas and explanations "evidence"  ( "established theories", "facts", research findings, data,  etc.)

 What does this have to do with the Library?

  • Evidence & examples that you are required to use in your assignments is largely information, ideas, and theories that you have found via research: from books, articles, data, etc.
  • The Library provides you those books, articles, data, etc. and ways to search, find, and use them.
  • Librarians can help you by giving advice of search strategies and help on using the various search engines, databases, and other material the Library subscribes to for the university community


Research - Think - Search - Look at Results - Think Again

The research process can be seen as a "virtuous circle"

You search & evaluate results & think, and skim & read & then...

You search & evaluate results & think, and skim & read & then...

You search & evaluate results & think, and skim & read & then..

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