These strategies are not "do it once in this order & be done". Instead, they are recommendations for approaches that are often done several times at different points in your research .
There are two classic ways to search for articles, book chapters,etc.
1. Known Item search
2. Unknown Item search
The "classic method" allows you to search backwards.
Now modern tools also allow you to search forwards! You can learn more about Citation chaining in the Citation Chaining Guide & by watching the videos below
Citation chaining helps you quickly find related articles through citations. It is an essential technique to support your literature review process.
You can do backward and forward searching based on an article in hand.
◀◀ Backward searching |
A "perfect" article you have in hand |
Forward searching ▶▶ |
"References", "Cited Articles", "Cited Documents"
"Citing Articles", "Citing Documents"
Using Search fields (e.g. title) can help you focus your search
When using a search engine (database),
Example: Search fields in Proquest
Search field |
Code |
Abstract |
ab |
ab (“ethnic minorities”)
Title |
ti |
ti (ethnic minorities in hong kong)
Publication title |
Pub |
pub (“migration”) |
Author |
au |
au( Pluss, Caroline)
Year |
yr |
yr (2008) |
subject |
su |
su( racial discrimination) |
location |
loc |
loc ("Hong Kong") |
Boolean Operators | Examples of Using Boolean Operators |
AND - All keywords must appear in the results |
e-waste AND Japan |
OR –Any one or all of the keywords should appear |
"e-waste" OR "electronic waste" |
( ) Brackets combine keywords of similar concept |
("e-waste" OR "electronic waste" ) AND (Japan OR Japanese) |
Don't make your search too long and complicated.
Begin by combining only TWO aspects (focus areas) at a time.
Watch these short videos
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