As developing scholars in public administration, become familiar with new types of scholarly information
Specialist Dictionaries & Encyclopedias |
Data and Statistics |
"Raw" data gives your material to make your own arguments, predictions, etc. Allows you to make your own charts, etc. MUST come from reputable sources
Example of Reference China. National Bureau of Statistics. (2020). CN: Population: No of Divorces: Guangdong, 1995-2018. ID:4772901; SR Code: SR92530. [data file]. Retrieved from CDMNext Database, March 9, 2020. |
Books & Handbooks |
Books provide good compiled information - concentrated, topical, lots of info Examples:
Handbooks provide summaries & outline basic ideas, issues, methods, anthologies, - good place to start Examples: |
Scholarly Journal Articles |
Some helpful videos (try one)
Review Article (in a scholarly journal) |
A published "literature review". The author(s) brings together the published articles and books on the topic and summarizes & analyses the current state of knowledge. What can you get from it?
Government and NGO (non-government organizations) publications |
Government documents present data, information, and analysis from government departments, with that perspective
Policy Briefs / Policy Report |
A short document that presents findings and recommendations (often to policy makers), usually following a specific format to share evidence and recommendations.
Liu, C. (2019). Hometown ties or spatial agglomeration of human capital : The selection of scientific elites in China..
Dissertation (Thesis)