Before you start searching Google or Library databases, think about what you really need to find. Ask yourself these questions:
- What are the major features of my innovation (these can become terms/keywords I enter to search for sources)
- What do I want to know or hope to find out about my innovation?
- Which tools shall I use to find sources for my innovation (engineering theories, existing solutions for comparison) and pros & cons:
- Library databases (which one ____________)
- Google
- Google Patent Search
- Others
After you search Google, Library Databases or other tools, you will need to make decision which sources from the search result should I select to support my proposal.
- How many sources do I need for my proposal?
- Criteria for selecting sources from the search results:
- The authors are experts in the subject area?
- Sources are published recently?
- Sources are published in scientific journals or magazines?
- Sources are patents?
- Sources are listed top in the search results?
- Article title and summary (or 1st paragraph) look relevant and interesting?
- Sources provide evidence and references/bibliographies?
When you write your invention proposal, see if you can state:
My innovative engineering idea is based on the following engineering principles/theories: ________________________________________________________, which is supported by the source(s)_________________________________________________