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LANG 1407 - Academic English for Engineering Studies

Library guide for LANG 1407 Academic English for Engineering Studies

Evaluate Sources with RADAR - Infographic

Evaluate all Sources

  • Published information is not necessarily trustworthy or useful.
  • Always evaluate the credibility & suitability of information sources.
  • In addition to RADAR, there are also other evaluation frameworks:




Purpose/point for creation






Cross-check and Fact Check

  • Can you find the information, theories etc. backed up by other information sources (newspapers, magazines, scholarly journals)
  • Cross-check statistics, news reports, etc.
  • Beware of fake news circulating on social media, explore these fact-check sites

Using ChatGPT and other Generative AI Tools

A common problem with many generative AI text tools is that they generate plausible but factually incorrect information (hallucinations) or fabricated references (hallucitations), examples:

So, if you are using texts generated by ChatGPT or other generative AI tools, be cautious and cross check the information. Evaluate the information provided, just like anything you plan to use academically.

Just as we've covered in the sections above:

1. Cross-check what it says & do "lateral reading"

  • Check against your own knowledge
  • Check against WikipediaBritannica, and/or other reliable sources to see if they state the same information
  • This is not new with generative AI, it's always been good scholarly practice

2. Confirm that any references it provides are real

3. If the references (citations) are real, check that they support the claim

  • This is *NOT* a new issue with AI tools, it's always been important to do so.
  • This is proper scholarly practice when working with sources both in print and online.

Use Lateral Reading to Critically Evaluate Sources

Lateral Reading (3 min 33 sec) from the University of Louisville Library

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