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LANG 1407 - Academic English for Engineering Studies

Library guide for LANG 1407 Academic English for Engineering Studies


What is innovation?

From Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary:

  1. The introduction of something new 
  2. A new idea, method, or device
  3. Something (as a device) created for the first time through the use of the imagination

From Dictionary of Marketing:

The process through which new products, concepts, services, methods, or techniques are developed.

Your definition?

New ways of doing something? A new technical solution to a problem? Or ....

In your view, who (or which organization or company) represents the pioneering spirit of innovation? And why?

Ideas or Inspirations

Our imaginations often need a spark, something to get ideas flowing. Some of the sources listed below may help to "jump start" your thinking, to help you get an idea for your innovative project.

  • Disney ImagiNations Design Competition: ImagiNations is a design competition created and sponsored by Walt Disney that challenges students and recent graduates to design a unique, diverse and creative experience that maximizes enjoyment for Disney parks and resorts guests. (Disney Imaginations Hong Kong)
  • Grand Challenges for Engineering: The NAE (National Academy of Engineering) Committee on Engineering's Grand Challenges has identified 14 areas awaiting engineering solutions in the 21st century.
  • Knowledge Transfer at HKUST
  • HKUST's SIGHT projects
  • IdeaConnection: free innovation newsletters, companies or inventors can suggest their inventions to be featured on this website.
  • James Dyson Award: The competition is open annually to designers who think differently, to create products that work better.
  • Lemelson-MIT Prize: For 27 years, the Lemelson-MIT Program’s (LMIT) Student Prize recognized undergraduate teams and graduate students who invented solutions in prize categories that represent significant sectors of the global economy.
  • TED: Ideas worth spreading: TED is owned by The Sapling Foundation, a private nonprofit foundation. The goal of the foundation is to foster the spread of great ideas. It aims to provide a platform for the world's smartest thinkers, greatest visionaries, and most inspiring teachers, so that millions of people can gain a better understanding of the biggest issues faced by the world, and a desire to help create a better future.
  • Time Magazine's Best Inventions of the Year: 20232022, 202120202019201820172016201520142013 20122001-2010
  • Technology Quarterly: Published 4 times a year by The Economist, it has short articles on interesting new innovations and technology and their possible uses and business applications.

Keep Up-to-Date

As an engineer, you need to stay abreast of engineering opportunities and problems by reading Science & Technology news

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