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Using E-books: Knovel

E-books for research use.

Knovel Quick Facts

Main Site:
Mobile Site: N/A
Users: Unlimited simultaneous users
Subjects: Engineering and science
Features: Knovel's interactive Engineering Tools
Viewing Content: PDF
Printing: Sections or chapters must be printed individually
Downloading: Sections or chapters must be downloaded individually
Knovel Tutorials: Provide a visual guide to using the product



Download an e-book

Download eBook articles:

You may download a PDF file of an eBook article to your PC, USB flash drive, or other portable storage device through the Adobe Reader browser plug-in


  1. Click the Save button at the top left corner
  2. The document will be displayed in a PDF reader (such as Adobe® Reader®).


Print an e-book


Click the Print button in the PDF viewer.


Navigate Knovel

1. Browse and Search:

  • Browse: Browse e-book titles by subjects. 
  • Quick Search: To search all eBooks in your library's collection, enter a word or phrase in the search box located in the Knovel banner at the top of the page.

2. Refine Your Search results:

  1. Choose from Refine by Related Concept to further narrow down your results by topics. 
  2. Use the Sort by function to sort the results by Date or Relevancy. 



3. Viewing eBook Articles:

To view eBook articles, click on the link to a book and then click the desired section or the PDF button the right. This will open to selected section in Knovel's built-in PDF viewer


The main eBook contents page also contains a Citation button that will generate a citation for a book in a pop-up window. You may also refine the citation using page numbers.


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