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LANG 1409 - Academic English for Science Studies

Welcome & Introduction

This online workshop is designed to help you, LANG 1409 students, find information for your blog post assignments related to scientific topics, and prepare yourself for future studies in the university and beyond.

  • It's in 6 parts & should take ~60 minutes to finish.
  • At the end of this module, you will need to finish one quiz on Canvas based on the module's mandatory content.
  • There's optional material ('More to Know') that can help you develop your expertise as a science researcher further.
  • This module (Library guide) will remain posted, so you can revisit it whenever you want.

Why Do This? What's The Point?

As a university student, you will be expected to demonstrate a deeper level of understanding, beyond relying on opinions, "common sense", or a quick response.

This workshop will use natural disasters as an example to help you develop research skills. You'll learn how to effectively brainstorm, find credible information from various sources like academic articles and encyclopedias, and cite them properly according to IEEE style guidelines, enabling you to create well-researched and engaging blog posts.

Intended Learning Outcomes

After this workshop, you will be able to

  • Understand the characteristics of different types of information sources:
    • General popular sources: Magazines, Blogs
    • Scholarly sources: Academic journals
  • Choose appropriate search tools and use appropriate methods to find useful academic or professional information
  • Name some important criteria and methods to use when critically evaluating sources
  • Cite sources properly according to IEEE style guidelines

In order to complete your course project and prepare yourself for future studies in the university and beyond.

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