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Tools for Open-Science Research: Outreach

Research Activities

Common activities during this research phase include:
  • Archive and share posters and presentations
  • Tell about research outside academia
  • Researcher profiles

Tools for Research Outreach & Visibility

Google Scholar Profile

A Google Scholar profile is a very simple way of collating your publications so that others can find your work by searching your profile. 

Website: - Free

Video: Make A Google Scholar Profile In Under 3 Minutes! (YouTube)


Kudos helps researchers to promote their publication to general public.  

Website: - Free

Video: What is Kudos? A brief introduction (YouTube) 


A unique researcher identifier helps you to distinguish your scholarly activities from those of others with similar names.

Website: - Free (Create your ORCID ID Via HKUST System)

Mentions in Library blog:

Video: A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record (Vimeo)


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