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Search Literature Effectively for Business Research : News Articles

A guide on searching literature effectively for postgraduate business students


1. Click on the Company field, enter the company name in the search box, then click on the purple triangle of the desired company to put the company code in the Free Text Search box.

2. Now the company code is in the Free Text Search box, select the necessary Date range, and click Search.

Alternatively, enter the company name in the Free Text Search box to search.  If necessary, add more search terms and make use of the available fields (such as Source, Industry, Language, etc.) to customize your search.

Nexis Uni

There are multiple ways to locate news articles in Nexis Uni. For company news, you can start with Company Dossier.

1. In Nexis Uni, choose Business, then under Company Dossier, click Find a Company, enter the company name to search.

2. On the Company Snapshot page, click on News for news articles.

You may also use Basic Search, Guided Search or Advanced Search to look for relevant news articles on another company or on specific topics. Please visit the database guide on Nexis Uni for details.

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