From: American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (7th ed.). American Psychological Association. (Reference BF 76.7 P83 2020).
Citing a law review journal article or a legal book? Use the usual format for journal articles and books. Go to HKUST Library's detailed How to Cite APA Style (7th) guide to learn more.
Chapter 11 - Legal References, p. 354-368
APA only provides examples from US and UN sources in this edition. For more edtails, they suggest you look at The BlueBook: A Uniform System of Cition.
HKUST has the 2020 edition in the Book Collection (KF245 .B58 2020) - Location on floorplan.
Court Decisions
In-text reference
Give the name of the case (italicized) and the year of the decision.
Congreve v Home Office (1976)
End of Paper reference
Name of case, name of report (italicized), page number (date)
Congreve v Home Office, QB 629 (1976)
For more details, go to Purdue's Online Writing Lab's APA Style (7th ed.) Legal References section.
Treaties & International Agreements
Name of treaty or convention, the signing or approval date, and the URL if available.
Example: Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), 2006.
Helpful list of citations for frequently cited treaties - by the University of Minnesota Law School
Useful guide, with examples: Citation to International Agreements, Cases, and Arbitrations under Bluebook Rule 21 -