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Author Tips for HKUST Scholars

Thinking of publishing? Need some helpful tips? See this guide for some answers!

Create ORCID iD via HKUST System

A unique researcher identifier helps you to distinguish your scholarly activities from those of others with similar names. ORCID is a non-profit, cross-disciplinary effort to create and maintain a registry of unique and persistent researcher identifiers. By attaching your ORCID iD to research objects such as articles, citations, datasets, research projects and patents, you can establish clear ownership of your scholarly output, and make your works more discoverable. Many publishers, universities and funding bodies embed ORCID iD in their research workflow and management.

Creating ORCID iD is free. Over 1 million identifiers have been issued worldwide; many universities are joining ORCID as an institutional effort.

To make it easy for the HKUST research community, the Library has set up a registration system with ORCID. Using this system, you can use your HKUST login to create an ORCID iD in a few clicks. Your ORCID record will automatically be filled out with your biographical information and HKUST affiliation. If you already have an ORCID iD, you can use this system to enrich your ORCID record.

Guide to use the System

Additional Functions For Faculty Members

The Library sets up Scholar Profiles for faculty members in the HKUST Scholarly Publications Database (SPD). The HKUST ORCID Registration System can connect your Scholar Profile at SPD with your ORCID record. You can also upload your publication list from SPD to ORCID.

For Research PG Students

RPGs can use this System to load publication records to ORCID with one click. Please make sure you have reported your publications to the Research Output System ahead of time.

Contact us ( for any question or feedback.

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