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Author Tips for HKUST Scholars

Thinking of publishing? Need some helpful tips? See this guide for some answers!

Guide to HKUST ORCID iD Registration System

The HKUST ORCID iD Registration System helps you to create a new ORCID iD or enrich an existing one in a few clicks.

1. Click on the button below to get started


2. Login with your HKUST account

After this, you will be guided through the process according to your HKUST status and your ORCID history.

You will see this screen if you haven't got an ORCID iD

Click "Continue" to create a new one.

Check Scenario 1 below for detailed steps.

You will see this screen if you have an ORCID iD already.

Click "Continue" to connect it with HKUST.

Check Scenario 2 below for detailed steps.


3. Proceed to Create / Connect your ORCID iD

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