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Bloomberg Professional

This guide is designed to cover the basics of navigating through Bloomberg Professional, and retrieving financial news and information.

Bloomberg Keyboard

Bloomberg Keyboard Basics

Bloomberg keyboard is a specialized and color-coded keyboard that helps users navigating the database. The look of the keyboard is very similar to a standard computer keyboard, but there are several unique features, such as:

  • Color-coded keys
  • Built-in speakers

Color-coded Keys

The color-coded keys are function keys with different commands:

<Red Keys>

Pause Break / Log Off Log in / Log out
CANCEL Cancel a command


<Green Keys> - green keys are "Action" keys

ENTER/GO Execute your command
  • Press "once" to get help page on a particular page/function
  • Press "twice" to reach the Bloomberg Help Desk Request page. You can submit your questions and the Help Desk will reply by the next business day.
  • You can also email the Library Information Help team at for assistance.
MENU Open menu of related functions
END/BACK Return to previous screen
SEARCH Search function to find information across the Bloomberg Terminal
NEWS Shortcut to the results screen of the News & Research Menu
QUOTE LINE/ QUOTE FUNCTION Market snapshot of an equity, equity option, or fund
IB Instant messaging feature of the Bloomberg Terminal that allows you to have real-time text based conversations with other Bloomberg users
MESSAGE Bloomberg Message 
CMND HISTORY Show past command entries
PRINT Capture the current screen and send it to the library printer


<Blue Key

PANEL To move between screens


<Yellow Keys> - yellow keys are "Market Sector" key

GOVT (F2) Securities by governments (e.g. Treasury)
CORP (F3) Corporate bonds
MTGE (F4) Mortgage market instruments 
M-MKT (F5) Money market instruments
MUNI (F6) U.S. municipal bonds
PFD (F7) Preferred securities
EQUITY (F8) Common stocks, derivatives, ETFs, etc
COMDTY (F9) Commodities and related derivatives
INDEX (F10) Equity indices and economic indices
CURNCY (F11) Currency information (e.g. FX)
PORT (F12) Portfolio & Risk Analytics to understand the structure of your portfolios

Special Green Key - HELP

The green <HELP> key is a special key on the Bloomberg keyboard.

Use it to search the entire Bloomberg system. Press the <HELP> key once to define terminology, formulas, and pages.

Example: Type CAPM <HELP>, choose from the result screen for more information on your topic. 

Hit <HELP><HELP> to reach the Bloomberg Help Desk Request page to submit your questions. The Help Desk will reply by the next business day.

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