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CHEM 4689 - Capstone Project


Welcome to the Library Guide for CHEM 4689 students! This guide will help you with the following:

Session 1: Literature Search Training

  • Selecting appropriate literature based on your needs
  • Understand the purpose of the literature review
  • Locating high-impact journal articles

ScFinder-n Workshop

Individual Coaching Session on Literature Search (For CHEM 4689 Students Only)

  1. Check your referencing advisor on Canvas
  2. Please click on the link below to schedule an appointment and select an available time slot:
  • You are required to reserve at least ONE session as part of your course participation
  • You can choose between an In-Person consultation or an Online consultation via Teams. If you prefer an In-Person consultation, please note that the venue will be communicated to you later via email.

Session 2: Reference Training

  • Understanding the key features of RefWorks
  • Importing references from various sources into RefWorks
  • Insert in-text citations and bibliographies into MS Word
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