Generative AI & Education - Maintained by HKUST's Center for Education and Innovation. It provides information on HKUST's current guidelines on the use of generative AI and further information, including:
General Guidelines
Scite - HKUST subscribes to Scite, which can help you find & evaluate articles. It has a sub-section,Scite Assistant, (in beta) that allows you to ask questions, which are answered with generated text and embedded reference, with the references md links on the right.
Elicit - Helps do research reviews. Type in a research topic and on the left it will give you references and on the right, summaries of the abstract. Links to papers via DOI and via Semantic Scholar. Built by a non-profit company, Ought, based in California and Delaware in the USA. No direct links to full-text.
Consensus - Helps to do research reviews. Type in a research topic and it provides a list of one-sentence summaries of research articles. Links to papers via semantic scholar. Possible to click through semantic scholar to get to full-text of subscribed things if you are ON campus (e.g. I was able to access an Elsevier article on campus). Company appears to be a partner of Semantic Scholar.
ChatPDF - Summarizes pdfs for you - how, who owns it? Not clear.
Semantic Reader - An AI-powered augmented scientific reading application available in Semantic Scholar. Features include automatic highlighted overlays to key information on a paper and citation cards that show details of a cited paper in-line where you're reading. Note that the Reader is not available for all papers but it works on most arXiv papers.
Being AI Literate does not mean you need to understand the advanced mechanics of AI. It means that you are actively learning about the technologies involved and that you critically approach any texts you read that concern AI, especially news articles.
We have created a tool you can use when reading about AI applications to help consider the legitimacy of the technology.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To cite in APA: Hervieux, S. & Wheatley, A. (2020). The ROBOT test [Evaluation tool]. The LibrAIry.
ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Quick Start Guide (2023, from UNESCO), p. 6
A common problem with many generative AI text tools is that they generate nonsense, especially made-up citations (references).
So, if you are using texts that you created using ChatGPT or other AI tools, use your eyes and your brain to check the work. Evaluate the information provided, just like anything you plan to use academically.
1. Cross-check what it says & do "lateral reading"
To learn more about lateral reading, watch:
2. Confirm that any references it provides are real
3. If the references (citations) are real, check that they support the claim
4. If you use ChatGPT or other AI tools in your work, you need to acknowledge it.
Some of this content was based on the work of Amy Scheelke of Salt Lake Community College, her LibGuide:
How to cite ChatGPT - APA Style Blog (April 7, 2023)
The guide covers examples on: