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ECON 3700 - Writing as an Economist (Spring 2024): Cite APA Style

You MUST Cite in APA Style

Your final essay needs to be formatted properly in APA style.    Go to HKUST Library's  Guide - How to Cite APA Style (7th ed.) for in-depth help.

In APA you have to make two types of citation in your writing

Most Common Reference Types


  In-text Citation End-of-paper Reference

It was found that... (Author, Year).

Author (Year) found that...

Authors / Editors (Year). Book title (# edition, if available). Publisher. DOI or URL (if available)

Example 1

(Authored book)

It was found that... (Hamblen & Mueser, 2021).

Hamblen and Mueser (2021) found that...

Hamblen, J. L., & Mueser, K. T. (2021). Treatment for postdisaster distress: A transdiagnostic approach. American Psychological Association.

Example 2

(Edited book)

It was found that... (Hemlin et al., 2013).

Hemlin et al. (2013) found that...

Hemlin, S., Allwood, C. M.,  Martin, B. R., & Mumford, M. D. (Eds.). (2013). Creativity and leadership in science, technology, and innovation. Routledge.

More examples on book references 

Journal Articles

  In-text Citation End-of-paper Reference

It was found that... (Author, Year).

Author (Year) found that...

Authors. Title of article. Title of Periodicalvolume number(issue number), pages. DOI or URL (if available)

Example 1

It was found that... (Diliello et al., 2011).

Diliello et al. (2011) found that...

Diliello, T. C., Houghton, J. D., & Dawley, D. (2011). Narrowing the creativity gap: The moderating effects of perceived support for creativity. Journal of Psychology, 145(3), 151-172.

Example 2

(Missing page no. and DOI)

It was found that... (Butler, 2017).

Butler (2017) found that...

Butler, J. (2017). Where access meets multimodality: The case of ASL music videos. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 21(1).

More examples on article references 

Online News Articles

  In-text Citation End-of-paper Reference

It was found that... (Author, Year).

Author (Year) found that...

Authors (Date). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. URL


It was found that... (Toner, 2020).

Toner (2020) found that...

Toner, K. (2020, September 24). When Covid-19 hit, he turned his newspaper route into a lifeline for senior citizens. CNN.

More examples 

Webpages / Online Reports

  In-text Citation End-of-paper Reference

It was found that... (Author, Year).

Author (Year) found that...

Authors (Year or Date). Title of work. Publisher Name (if available) or Site Name. URL

Example 1

It was found that... (Schaeffer, 2021).

Schaeffer (2021) found that...

Schaeffer, K. (2021, October 1). What we know about online learning and the homework gap amid the pandemic. Pew Research Center.

Example 2

(Author is an organization)

It was found that... (Census and Statistics Department, 2021).

Census and Statistics Department (2021) found that...

Census and Statistics Department (2021). Annual report on the consumer price index 2021.

More examples 

Official APA Website and Guides

For more detail or for trickier situations, you can consult their full publication manual or their blog:

Useful Guides by Other Institutions

Each of these provides a useful overview and detailed examples of how to cite different kinds of sources in APA style:

Help You Cite Tools


These quick guides can help you (or look in the box below)

Zotero (Web Resource)

Refworks - Learning Vidoes & Manual

  1. RefWorks on YouTube - these online videos will walk you through from RefWorks basics to all advance features. For example:
    1. Accessing RefWorks & Creating an Account & Logging in  (2 min, 53 sec)
    2. Adding References to RefWorks with Direct Export  (2 min 14 sec)
  2. RefWorks  quick guides
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