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Literature Discovery through Citation Chaining and Mapping: Citation Mapping Tools

A quick guide to introduce citation chaining and mapping tools for literature discovery

Citation Mapping Tools

Citation mapping tools help researchers explore and map academic literature using graph analysis and citation networks. Here are the most popular ones. Navigate to respective pages to learn more. 

How Citation Mapping Works - Co-citations and Bibliographic Coupling

How Citation Mapping Works

Citation mapping is a technique used to visually explore and analyze the relationships within scholarly literature. It helps identify influential research, key authors, and trace the development of ideas and research trends. The process typically starts with one or a few “seed papers”. These papers are interconnected based on their direct citation relationship and their similarity.

"Similarity" of Papers - How to determine

Bibliographic coupling and co-citation are two key methods used in citation analysis to explore relationships between scholarly papers.

  • Bibliographic coupling occurs when two papers, say Paper A and Paper B, have the same references.

E.g. if both Paper A and Paper B cite Paper C and Paper D, they are considered similar because they share references (C and D). 

  • Co-citation occurs when two papers, say Paper C and Paper D, are cited together by the same set of papers. 

E.g. if both Paper A and Paper B cite Paper C and Paper D, then Paper C and Paper D are considered similar because they are co-cited by the same group of papers (A and B). 

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