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Literature Discovery through Citation Chaining and Mapping: Inciteful

A quick guide to introduce citation chaining and mapping tools for literature discovery

Inciteful - About


Inciteful helps you find papers based on one or a set of seed papers. It suggests papers based on their similarity (co-citation and bibliographic coupling) and importance (PageRank). Learn more about their underlying algorithms

The tool will help you: 

  • find "Similar Papers" - papers that cite the seed papers, tend to include more recent papers.
  • find "Most Important Papers" - ranked by PageRank algorithm (papers that are cited by other important papers are ranked higher), tend to be older papers in the field.
  • find "Review Papers" - papers that cite the most seed papers, highly likely review papers.
  • identify"Recent Papers by Top 100 Authors", "The Most Important Recent Papers" included in the graph
  • identify "Top Authors", "Top Institutions", and "Top Journals" included in the graph

You can also:

  • add more similar papers from the lists above to the graph to find more relevent results 

Inciteful - Tutorial (6min)

What's covered

1:55 Graph
3:15 Similar Papers
3:45 Most Important Papers
4:32 Other Data
4:54 Adding Papers

How to Read the "Map"

  • Each node: one paper
  • Node size: no. of citations
  • Node color: publication year (the darker, the more recent)
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