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Statistical Databases - HKUST Library Subscribed
Our collections include also Maps of China from the late Qing Dynasty-to 1949, thread bound books and other pre-1949 Chinese material, works about China and the Far East by western writers from 1500s to 1949, Fine Reproductions of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy.
Consult our digital collections online at the Rare & Special e-Zone or visit us in the Special Collection Reading Room (by appointment).
Go to Databases -> Humanities and Social Sciences to see other available databases.
The Goldsmiths-Kress Library of Economic Literature, 1450-1850
61,000 rare books and 466 serials (mostly 19th century magazines) from the Goldsmiths’ Library of Economic Literature at the University of London and the Kress Collection of Business and Economics at the Harvard Business School.
The collection shows the development of the modern western world through the lens of trade and wealth, encompassing law, geography, politics and international relations, social history, business and women’s studies. 2/3s is in English, with thousands of texts in French, German, and Italian.