The search techniques below can save you time and give you more relevant results than typing blindly into Google or other search tools.
When you do research, you will find things cited in papers & books you read. You can then look those up and read them.
Example: I read a chapter in this e-book
Ho, B.C. and Li. Q. (2013). Rural Chinese Women's Political Participation. In Z. Hao and S. Chen (Eds), Social Issues in China : Gender, Ethnicity, Labor, and the Environment (pp. 23-44.). Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer. Retrieved from:
1. You decide to follow-up on the in-text citation as written in the article " In Tong's studies (2003) Chinese men fare better....". So you go to the full reference below.
2. You then search for the article in PrimoCentral of PowerSearch - very generally - using the title
Results - 75,000, but the one you want is the top (thank goodness!). Then you read it. This may lead you to more citations and useful resources.
A more efficient search would use advanced search with author = Tong + title= gender gap political china
The "classic method" allows you to search backwards.
Now modern tools also allow you to search forwards! You can learn more about Citation chaining in the Citation Chaining Guide & by watching the videos below
Citation chaining helps you quickly find related articles through citations. It is an essential technique to support your literature review process.
You can do backward and forward searching based on an article in hand.
◀◀ Backward searching |
A "perfect" article you have in hand |
Forward searching ▶▶ |
"References", "Cited Articles", "Cited Documents"
"Citing Articles", "Citing Documents"
Most databases have them!
Good place for easy field searching
Notice how of the fields you can search relate to the information we use to make a citation? That's called "meta-data"
ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Quick Start Guide (2023, from UNESCO), p. 6
A common problem with many generative AI text tools is that they generate nonsense, especially made-up citations (references).
So, if you are using texts that you created using ChatGPT or other AI tools, use your eyes and your brain to check the work. Evaluate the information provided, just like anything you plan to use academically. More info on how to evaluate below:
1. Cross-check what it says & do "lateral reading"
To learn more about lateral reading, watch:
2. Confirm that any references it provides are real
3. If the references (citations) are real, check that they support the claim
4. If you use ChatGPT or other AI tools in your work, you need to acknowledge it.
Some of this content was based on the work of Amy Scheelke of Salt Lake Community College, her LibGuide: