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LANG 5072 - English Academic Writing on Chinese Culture: Start

This guide is to help students to get familiar with RefWorks and search tools for LANG 5072.


This guide is created to be a resource to you as you work on your assignments for LANG 5072.  It is especially related to doing an oral critique and annotated bibliography.

Intended Learning Outcomes

After taking these workshops, students will be able to:

  • Describe reasons scholars cite & be able to locate guidance on how to do it in APA
  • Develop a research question from a statement of general interest to guide them for their research in their annotated bibliography
  • Search for, find, and select an article related to their interest area for their oral critique
    • "Ticket-out the door" : Students will need to submit a link of an article for their oral critique
    • They fill out the form on the shared file at least ONE week before their oral critique presentation.

In order to:

  • Complete their LANG 5072 assignments: oral critique and 5 item annotated bibliography (short term)
  • To prepare themselves for doing research in the area of humanities in Chinese culture in the rest of their program and as scholars of the Chinese humanities after they graduate (long term)

After workshop: Feedback -


Scholarship as an activity = thinking systematically

  • Systematic questioning
  • Searching
  • Looking  deep and long =  Scrutinizing -   詳細地檢查

Integration (making intellectual connections) between  ideas, theories, & experience = key to good scholarship

  • Applying a method from one area to another
  • Place a situation or phenomenon into larger theoretical framework
    • Drawing elements from different theories into a synthesis
    • Make new insight
  • Re-examine existing knowledge based on new or more recent development

(Hart 1998, p 8-9)

Generating & Communicating Research Information & Knowledge

Research is Conducted by:

Associations | Businesses | Charities | Governments | Individuals (people)  | Institutions (universities, think tanks, etc.) | Pressure groups | Trade Unions  

►    Information is Generated from:

Research  |  Critical evaluations  | Interperative work

►   Information from, on, or about Research is Communicated  via:

Anthologies | Blogs | Books (monographs) | Book chapters | Conference Papers |  Emails | Journals |  Journal articles | Lectures | Letters | Meetings | Newsletters  | Newspapers | Reports | Seminars |  Textbooks  | Theses | Tweets

Information from, on, or about Research is Organized  in:

Article Databases | Bibliographies | Data Repositories |  Dictionaries | Encyclopedias | Library Catalogs

(Hart, 1998, p. 4)


Hart, Chris. Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination. London: Sage, 1998.  (HKUST Library H62 .H2566 1998)

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