A multidisciplinary database which provides access to 18 databases scholarly covering journals, magazines, newspapers, e-books, etc. You can choose Select all to search across all these databases at one go or choose your favorite one(s) to Continue.
Enter keywords in the search boxes. Choose the search field from the Select a Field drop-down menu (e.g. Author, Abstract, etc). You can also use the following commands to build your search string.
Phrase search ("...") - Put two or more words in quotation marks ("...") to ensure the words are searched as a phrase. Watch a 1-min video.
Truncation (*) - Use truncation symbol to search words with a common root. Example: Ethic* will retrieve ethic, ethics, ethical, ethically, etc. Watch a 1-min video.
Select a Boolean operator (AND, OR, NOT) to combine different search terms.
If you want articles from a particular publication source, enter the journal title (e.g. Journal of Business Ethics) in the search box, and select SO Source from the Select a Field drop-down menu.
Click Search.
If necessary, refine your search using the limiters or options on the left side of the results page.
A multidisciplinary database that provides access to a large collection of scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, e-books, industry profiles and more.
Select Advanced Search from the top menu bar.
Enter keywords in the search boxes. Choose the search field from the Anywhere drop-down menu (e.g. Author, All subjects & indexing, etc). You can also use the following commands to build your search string.
Phrase search ("...") - Put two or more words in quotation marks ("...") to ensure the words are searched as a phrase. Watch a 1-min video.
Truncation (*) - Use truncation symbol to search words with a common root. Example: Ethic* will retrieve ethic, ethics, ethical, ethically, etc. Watch a 1-min video.
Use search operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine different search terms.
Add rows to enter more search terms or publication titles (e.g. Journal of Business Ethics) if necessary.
Check Limit to: Full text to retrieve those results with full text.
ChoosePublication date (e.g. Last 3 years).
Click Search.
If necessary, refine your search using the limiters or options on the left side of the results page.