To research a company:
Please note that a private company normally is under no obligation to make its accounts or other financial information publicly available, hence, finding private company information can be very challenging.
Access info: Bloomberg is accessible on campus only. Four Bloomberg stations are available at Information Commons on the Library G/F. Click here to reserve a station online. To find out more, watch "How can I log on to Bloomberg", and visit the database guide on Bloomberg.
Find a Company
Financial Analysis
Company Filings
1. In Business Source Premier, choose Company Profiles.
2. Browse or search by company name. Some Company Profiles include SWOT Analysis.
1. In Factiva, select Company from the Companies/Markets drop-down menu.
2. Enter the name of the company you are researching and select it.
3. The Company Snapshot will then be shown. Click the choices available in the left-hand navigation menu to get company's news, key developments, peer comparison, financial results, reports, etc.
1. In Nexis Uni, click on Menu, choose Business, then use the choices under Company Dossier (such as "Find a Company") to locate what you need.
2. Choose the desired company for related news, company hierarchy, history, financial overview, SEC filings, company reports, etc.
1. In Statista, enter the company name to search.
2. The main screen shows the search results. The left-hand menu gives you choices to refine your search. The results (such as statistics, infographics, dossiers, etc.) are downloadable.