If you're having trouble with an e-book, solving it may depend on what type is (SpringerLink? Other?).
Go look at the Core E-Book collection list and then look at the User guides linked there. If you have more problems, ask a librarian or other library staff for help.
Library materials may sometimes be mis-shelved or taken away by other users. This is what we usually recommend if a book is not on the shelf when it says "available" in PowerSearch.
See this short guide to finding theses of HKUST and other universities.
Although the Library does not collect music scores as a general rule, it does hold some music anthologies, songbooks and some titles of Chinese songs and traditional operas. Since the collection is small in size, the best way to explore it is to browse the M and MT sections of the Book Collection on LG3. Here are some representative works:
University libraries that support music programs have rich music collections. Search HKALL to find items of your interest.
HKUST Library subscribes to Refworks. Here is the Refworks Guide - from the company
The Library does not subscribe to EndNote or Mendeley. HKUST community members can use the free versions, both of which require registration.
In addition, Zotero and its simplified version, ZBib are also popular and easy to use.
HKUST Library doesn't regularly collect past papers and exams.
Some old syllabi, course outlines, and past examination papers are kept in the University Archives Room on 1/F.
They are collected every 5 years as samples to reflect curriculum development, rather than as a "past paper collection". Contact Archives staff (2358-6784 or lbarsc@ust.hk) to check if the materials you want is available. Note that you need your department's permission to access the materials.
The Library has a small collection of books to help prepare for Hong Kong's Civil Service exam (CRE).
Some are listed on the Library Guide for Job Hunting https://libguides.hkust.edu.hk/jobhunting/recruitment-tests
Fiction is kept in various sections of the subject class "P", according to the language of the original work. The Library also maintains a small collection of award-winning children's novels in section PZ.
For details, go here: https://libguides.hkust.edu.hk/classification/literature
You can also browse the "Popular books" shelves on the G/F.
Details about popular books are here: https://library.hkust.edu.hk/collections-resources/guides-to-resources/popular-books/
A good way to find things is by using the subject browse search. here are some popular choices.
Chinese (Mandarin)