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LANG 1404 - Advanced Academic English for University Studies

Library course guide for LANG 1404 Advanced Academic English for University Studies

Scopus & Web of Science

citation tracking

Scopus and Web of Science are two important citation databases of peer-reviewed information sources: scientific journals, conference proceedings and books. 

Citation count (no. of times a document was cited by others) is often regarded as an indicator of its research impact.  For example, Scopus citation data are used by QS University Rankings and Times Higher Education World University Rankings to evaluate university's research influence/quality.

You can use the citation analysis features of Scopus and Web of Science to:

  • Find most highly cited articles from the search results
  • Identify most prolific authors and organization
  • Trace backward and forward citations of the paper
  • Monitor publication and citation trends

Scopus & Web of Science are not full-text databases, to access full-text:

get full-text from Web of Science search result

Case 1: Full-text at Publisher

Article: Data-driven learning fatigue detection system: A multimodal fusion approach of ECG (electrocardiogram) and video signals

Click Full Text at Publisher - Direct access to full-text if the Library has subscription to the journal from the publisher of if this is an open access article. The Library subscribes to ScienceDirect journal collection, hence, can access html/PDF full-text.

full-text at publisher

Case 2: Use Find@HKUST to get full-text

Article: Using social media analysis to study population dietary behaviours: A scoping review

Click Find@HKUST: full-text is available from Wiley Online Journal

use find at hkust to get full text

Case 3 : Use Find@HKUST to submit interlibrary loan

Article: Bounded Rationality: Managerial Decision-Making and Data

Click Find@HKUST: full-text subscription cannot be found, link to interlibrary loan form

use find at hkust to submit interlibrary loan

Understand Citation Databases

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