Copyright is the right given to the owner of an original work, it is an automatic right for the creator (author). Often, the author then sells it on; for example, a composer sells the copyright to a recording company like Sony.
Who is the Copyright Owner? | The Author of the work |
Copyright protects: |
Copyright last for? | Usually 50 years after the creator of the work dies |
Source: Intellectual Property Department (
Copyrighted works on internet are protected by copyright law, see Copyright Ordinance (Cap. 528) (copyright law in HK)
It is easy to find images, videos and other multimedia contents on the Web; however, we need to respect copyright and intellectual property.
In addition to acknowledging the source, check any terms and conditions for use of multimedia contents, such as whether the contents belong to public domain or have a creative common license.
Go here to learn about finding and legally using Licensed Audio and Video.