At HKUST, whether it's allowed to use Generative AI (GenAI) and for what purposes is determined by individual course.
In MGMT 2110, transparency regarding the use of generative AI in your team project and report writing is crucial. As stated in the syllabus, If your team has utilized GenAI, you must include an Appendix detailing its usage. The appendix should include:
In addition, please remember that GenAI and other tools cannot replace your own work. You are expected to write your own assessed assignments and to prepare your presentations yourselves.
ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Quick Start Guide (2023, from UNESCO), p. 6
A common problem with many generative AI text tools is that they generate nonsense, especially made-up citations (references). Such as
So, if you are using texts that you created using ChatGPT or other AI tools, use your eyes and your brain to check the work. Evaluate the information provided, just like anything you plan to use academically.
1. Cross-check what it says & do "lateral reading"
To learn more about lateral reading, watch:
2. Confirm that any references it provides are real
3. If the references (citations) are real, check that they support the claim
4. If you use ChatGPT or other AI tools in your work, you need to acknowledge it.