In-text Citation | End-of-paper Reference | |
Format |
It was found that... (Author, Year). Author (Year) found that... |
Authors / Editors (Year). Book title (# edition, if available). Publisher. DOI or URL (if available) |
Example 1 (Authored book) |
It was found that... (Hamblen & Mueser, 2021). Hamblen and Mueser (2021) found that... |
Hamblen, J. L., & Mueser, K. T. (2021). Treatment for postdisaster distress: A transdiagnostic approach. American Psychological Association. |
Example 2 (Edited book) |
It was found that... (Hemlin et al., 2013). Hemlin et al. (2013) found that... |
Hemlin, S., Allwood, C. M., Martin, B. R., & Mumford, M. D. (Eds.). (2013). Creativity and leadership in science, technology, and innovation. Routledge. |
In-text Citation | End-of-paper Reference | |
Format |
It was found that... (Author, Year). Author (Year) found that... |
Authors. Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages. DOI or URL (if available) |
Example 1 |
It was found that... (Diliello et al., 2011). Diliello et al. (2011) found that... |
Diliello, T. C., Houghton, J. D., & Dawley, D. (2011). Narrowing the creativity gap: The moderating effects of perceived support for creativity. Journal of Psychology, 145(3), 151-172. |
Example 2 (Missing page no. and DOI) |
It was found that... (Butler, 2017). Butler (2017) found that... |
Butler, J. (2017). Where access meets multimodality: The case of ASL music videos. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 21(1). |
In-text Citation | End-of-paper Reference | |
Format |
It was found that... (Author, Year). Author (Year) found that... |
Authors (Date). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. URL |
Example |
It was found that... (Toner, 2020). Toner (2020) found that... |
Toner, K. (2020, September 24). When Covid-19 hit, he turned his newspaper route into a lifeline for senior citizens. CNN. |
In-text Citation | End-of-paper Reference | |
Format |
It was found that... (Author, Year). Author (Year) found that... |
Authors (Year or Date). Title of work. Publisher Name (if available) or Site Name. URL |
Example 1 |
It was found that... (Schaeffer, 2021). Schaeffer (2021) found that... |
Schaeffer, K. (2021, October 1). What we know about online learning and the homework gap amid the pandemic. Pew Research Center. |
Example 2 (Author is an organization) |
It was found that... (Census and Statistics Department, 2021). Census and Statistics Department (2021) found that... |
Census and Statistics Department (2021). Annual report on the consumer price index 2021. |
The author format of in-text citation differs based on the no. of authors in the work:
Author type | End-of-paper Reference (Author part) |
Parenthetical citation | Narrative citation |
One author | Butler, J. (2017). | (Butler, 2017) | Butler (2017) |
Two authors | Hamblen, J. L., & Mueser, K. T. (2021). | (Hamblen & Mueser, 2021) | Hamblen & Mueser (2021) |
Three or more authors | Diliello, T. C., Houghton, J. D., & Dawley, D. (2011). | (Diliello et al., 2011) | Diliello et al. (2011) |
Group author
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. (2022). |