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Science Research

Full Text & Citations

How to locate full text ...

If the full text of a document is not available freely on the Web, please follow these steps:


  1. Click the title of the item. If it belongs to a subscription source that the Library has a subscription to, you should be able to see the full text or a link to it.
  2. The full text is not always free. If you are asked to pay, do not do it.  Instead, click the Find@HKUST link to check the Library Collection. If it doesn't bring you to the full text, ask a librarian for assistance.


You are recommended to activate the Library Links so that your search results would include links that direct you to the Library subscriptions.  Follow the instructions below to set your Scholar Preferences:

  1. Go to Scholar Preferences.
  2. Click Library links on the left-hand sidebar, key in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  3. Choose the Library
  4. Click Save Preferences at the bottom

After the above is set, you will see Find@HKUST links on your results screen. Use these links to locate books and articles subscribed by the Library. You may be prompted to enter your ITSC login to access subscribed sources.


How to import citations into Reference Tools ...

You can import a citation directly into your RefWorks account:

  1. Go to Scholar Preferences.
  2. At the Bibliography manager section, choose Show links to import citations into Reference Tools.
  3. Each record on the search results page will then have the link to import into your chosen Reference Tools .  Click on it to import a citation directly from Google Scholar to your RefWorks account.


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